Juan Cortés

1 folder, 5 files

is an artists from Bogotá, Colombia.

Computational Insurrections is a decolonial computer project based on the Khipus (e.g. obj - 27733) from the textile collection of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. The connection between computer technology and the textile objects Khipus can be found in the fact that it is, in the true sense, a technological object that represents the enormous complexity of computer organization and coding used by the Inca culture. For researchers, such as Umberto Roncororoni, there is enormous contemporary potential in considering the vast complexity of pre-Columbian textile systems. This relevance is related to the potential of textiles to create new ways of structuring and categorizing data - fundamental principles of modern computing.

In the first phase of digital scholarship, museum pieces are digitized and modeled using photographs and digital reconstructions (e.g., 3D sculpture/photogrammetry). The second phase will be about symbolic reparation, seeking alliances with different public initiatives in Latin America for experiments with decolonial technologies (e.g. Exploratorio Medellín - Colombia, Escuelab Puno Lima, Plataforma Bogotá) so that the communities visiting these local sites are able to use, learn from and with the digital archives. Finally, the goal will be to develop prototypes for possible contemporary uses of the old computer technologies. 

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